Emily Abstracted

Affirmation Arts is pleased to present a selection of photographic work by the painter and photographer William T. Hillman.

April 1st to June 1st 2019

Celebration May 2nd, 5pm to 9pm

See images here


Mother Dance and Father Photography have come together and from their union has sprung a painted garden inhabited by sprites !  Or so it appears…

‘Emily Abstracted’ represents the collaboration of dancer Emily Proctor Franc and photographer William T. Hillman.

They have created work that first appears to be abstract painting by capturing through time exposure her movement in response to steel forms in the primary shapes of circle, square, triangle, and rectangle. They chose their palette in often-riotous color that saturates these ‘canvases’ in what may be experienced as a Springtime banquet !


On view April 1st - June 1st 2019
Weekdays 10am - 6pm
Saturdays by appointment

Celebration - May 2nd, 2019 5pm - 9pm